USG 凝固型防火泥 INCA 凝固型防火泥 使用範圍: 金屬管、保溫管或風管貫穿防火區劃等開口的防火填塞及縫隙填補。 各類管道開孔使用。 單體式即用型,施工簡單 不含鹵素、石綿等有害物質 耐燒蝕性佳、遇熱膨脹體堅實 不垂流 如有任何問題,歡迎來電/信洽詢 碁點實業有限公司 KEYDAM Corp. TEL: (02)2722-5306mail: keydam.tap@msa.hinet.net產品特性:
Both FIRECODE Brand Compound powder and premixed FIRECODE Brand Compound are much more
economical to use than competitive products, especially for large scale jobs with lots of different penetrations.
Cost of intumescent materials can be as much as 600% higher.
Caulking tube products are frequently discarded with some compound left so there’s costly waste.
With FIRECODE Brand Compound you mix only what’s needed for the application at hand (mix powder-type with
water and premixed-type with activator powder).
Approx. 75 min. working time; sets in 2-3 hours. Several applications can be made from
each batch.
Flame spread 0, smoke developed 0, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84
at Underwriters Laboratories.
無毒. (不含鹵素等有毒物質)
There are no silicones, solvents, halogens, PCB’s, asbestos or inorganic fibers of any kind. Rated nontoxic
in accordance with the sixth draft of the University of Pittsburgh test method and the LC50 calculated using
the Weil method.
FIRECODE Brand Compound forms a very tough, very durable firestop once it has hardened.
It has withstood the thermal and mechanical shock of high-pressure hose stream testing.
FIRECODE Brand Compound is autobonding, that is, fresh compound will bond to cured compound,
a big plus when making repairs due to construction damage or changes to penetrating items. Repair procedure
has been evaluated by UL and tested to assure that the through-penetration firestop requirements of ASTM
E814/UL 1479 are maintained.
FIRECODE Brand Compound powder mixes quickly and easily with water at jobsite. Consistency of the
compound may be changed to suit the application at hand. FIRECODE Brand Compound premixed also mixes quickly
and easily with FIRECODE Brand Compound Activator powder.
Once mixed, FIRECODE Brand Compound hardens in 2 to 3 hours. And it bonds to concrete, metals,
wood and cable jacketing, without the use of primers.
Applied FIRECODE Brand Compound dries to a red color which is easily seen and identified
by fire marshals.
Applied FIRECODE Brand Compound may be sanded smooth and painted with either latex or oil-based paints.
Material: Vinyl-type, non-asbestos formulation.
Color: Red.
Density: 74.8 lb./cu. ft. (1198.2 kg/m3).
Shrinkage: Less than 5%.
Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread 0, smoke developed 0.
Storage: Up to 9 months under good storage conditions. Close bags tightly and store in a dry place.
Protect from freezing.
Application Method: Standard caulking gun application, trowel or spray application.
Working Time: Approximately 75 min.
Setting Time: 2-3 hours.
Freezing Sensitivity: None after set.
Packaging: 15 lb. (6.7 kg) bag; and 4.5 gal. (17.0 L) pail (which contains activator package).